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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Where's The Grace?

Where's the Grace?

   My wife and I have been searching for a new home church for about two months now, and I have visited quite a number of churches in my area. I heard some great worship music, saw well planned services, heard earnest and erudite sermons, but found little that really fed my spirit and soul. The word of grace, that always points to Jesus and his unconditional love, is not often emphasized in the churches that I have been to lately. It should not be so difficult to find a group of Christians who believe and preach the Gospel. I have heard quite a few rambling sermons with little bible content. I have also heard smooth-talking preachers tell their people that God loves them, and then, attempt to exhort them, by applying the precepts of the law to show them how inadequate their performance as Christians has been. They mix law and grace, thus creating condemnation in the minds of the flock, and negating the overcoming power of God's grace.
   Rarely do I hear the focus being put on Jesus, what he has done for us at Calvary, and what he is doing in us today. Most of the preachers that I have heard lately, have focused on what God's people should do, or have failed to do. In often subtle ways, God's people are being taught that the blessings of God are given conditionally, based on our performance, and earned by good works.

  We are justified by faith, our righteousness is a gift which is given to us by the grace of God, and not earned or deserved. We are also kept by His power; Jesus is our sanctification- "Christ in you the hope of glory".

   What is wrong with the idea of resting in the grace of our Redeemer, and trusting Him with our souls? Many preachers offer grace and forgiveness to the 'sinner', but deny it to the born-again believer! Don't you know that you are kept by his unconditional love, and not by your attempts at law keeping and performance? Grace is unmerited favor, that means that you don't have to earn his love, you only have to believe him and accept him, in order to enjoy the benefits of his love. Jesus loves all people! He loved us when we were yet sinners, and he loves His children unconditionally! We are accepted in the beloved!
   Our sin problem was removed at Calvary, sin no longer separates us from God, only our unbelief can prevent us from enjoying the benefits that he wants to lavish upon us. 
   Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness, Are we so deluded as to believe that our righteousness can be earned by the keeping of precepts and by striving to perform? We are saved by grace through faith, not by works, lest anyone should boast! Jesus is our righteousness and our sanctification! (see 1Cor.1:30)
   Preachers, quit telling your people that they must work to keep their standing with God, and start telling them how much they are loved! We love him because he first loved us!

   Many churches today think that having the right programs, the most effective media tricks, and the best contemporary music will build their congregations and attract the right sort of people. Religion is in danger of becoming an arm of the entertainment business, where churches compete for warm bodies to fill the pews and pay for lavish 'campuses', and for the salaries of trained religious operatives. 

   Please forgive me, if you think I am on a 'rant', but I don't like it when I see sincere people of God, being led away from the narrow gate of God's grace. People with hungry hearts are being fed junk food, rather than the Bread Of Life. Let's start pointing people to the living God who loved us so much that he sent his only begotten son to take away our sins.
   Preachers and teachers; let's quit frustrating the grace of God, by telling the saints to strive and plead for the redemptive riches that have already been given to them. Quit fostering a climate of unbelief by casting doubt on the finished work of Jesus. We are justified and saved by faith, not by our self-righteous works. God's plan and his wonderful provision for us is already perfect! He doesn't need our input, our advice, our penance, or our programs. It's our trust and our belief in his unconditional love, that opens the doors of heaven and releases his abundance to us.

   I am trusting the Holy Spirit to lead my wife and I in the direction that he has for us, and I know that he will complete that which he has begun in us. For it is God that works in us, both to will, and to do that which pleases him.
   God bless you and lead you deeper into His grace!

©2011 Rev. Charles J. Loubert

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