Want to reign
in life?
We all want to be successful and overcome the obstacles and
challenges that we are faced with in this life. Conventional wisdom
declares that we must strive, be intentional, determined, and
faithful (or lucky), in order to have a successful life; but there is
a better way to reign in this life, and the pay-off is guaranteed by
the word of God himself!.
if by one man's offense death reigned by one [referring to Adam];
much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of
righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ. Rom.
All those who believe and have accepted the gift of righteousness
that was made possible by the death and resurrection of Jesus, have
an abundance of grace. Your life can be successful and you can reign
in this life, when you realize how much Jesus has done for you, and
how much he truly loves you. Eternal life includes the 'here and
Jesus died to save all men, and his free gift of righteousness is
available to all who will receive the "abundance of grace"!
Those who insist upon establishing their own righteousness, will
never partake of the righteousness that is given freely through grace
and received by faith.
Jesus came to save sinners, therefore; the self righteous, and
those who are content with their fallen state, will not see the need
to rely on God's grace and his free gift of eternal life.
This grace that saves us, is the unmerited favor and unconditional
love that God has extended to all who will receive it. By receiving
Jesus Christ as your Savior and your Redeemer, you unlock all the
treasures of salvation that your heavenly Father has stockpiled for
"Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge
of God, and of Jesus our Lord, according as his divine power hath
given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness,
through the knowledge of him who has called us to glory and virtue:"
2Peter 1:2,3
Too often, we Born Again believers, are content to rely on our own
limited resources, and we don't dip into that stockpile of grace that
is our inheritance in Christ. We accept that we are saved by grace,
but we try to continue on with our lives, relying on our own strength
and our own habitual way of doing things. It's 'business as usual',
until there is a crisis of some sort, then we storm the gates of
heaven for relief and rescue.
We can avoid all sorts of problems and trouble, by simply relying
on the wisdom and direction that God has promised to give us freely
by grace. We can truly reign in this life by trusting in Jesus! No
matter where you are, or what your situation, Your heavenly Father
loves you and wants the best for you. Your failures and setbacks will
be turned around as you rely on his grace to sustain and help you!
You will find all the endurance and the joy that you need to take you
through all of your present trials, and you will find yourself giving
glory to God for the victories that will follow.
Our heavenly Father has given us his word, in the pages of the
Bible, to show us his ways, and his grace toward us. His
unconditional love is revealed to us as we read the promises and
instructions there.
He has also sent his Spirit to interpret what we have read, and to
open our understanding to his truth. The Spirit also reveals Jesus to
us, in the Bible, and in our everyday lives. He will speak to your
heart when you need direction or comfort. He will give you insight
into your circumstances, and help you make better decisions. The
Holy Spirit is your helper, he will show you options and
opportunities, and give you the wisdom and the strength to make
positive changes in your life.
We can reign in this life by learning to step aside and allow the
will of God to operate in us and through us. His kingdom is the realm
that we now live in, and He is our source of supply and our wisdom!
He is never surprised or baffled by anything that happens, He is in
control of your future, and you can trust him totally. Fear and anger
are a direct result of a lack of trust in his love and his grace; His
resources are not limited to what you can see or imagine! Your job
might not always be there for you, but Jehovah Jireh, 'The Lord Who
Provides' is always here for those who trust him. Our confidence is
in him, not in our own limited abilities.
We all have different struggles in this life, but Jesus is our
victory! Our past hurts, and our messed up thinking, can be overcome
as we yield to the rule of grace in our hearts, and our minds can be
transformed as we absorb his truth. If you are willing to change, He
will bring you into maturity and make you an asset to the kingdom.
You don't have to hang on to your miserable old stubborn ways, you
can be free and have his peace ruling your heart and mind!
The promise is for this life, you don't have to wait until you die
and go to heaven, you can reign through Grace Power right now!
©2011 Rev.
Charles J. Loubert
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